Saturday, April 29, 2023

Childrens project

 This project the students must make the item present the item and persuade to buy the item. I have permission from parents for this video to present their school project with my help on this blog. May include names but with permission. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Digital Project #7: Podcast



1. The importance of the Legacy of Student Contribution. This is very important because this becomes the purpose of education. When students contribute to what they are learning more connections are established.

2. Benefits you see in having children create podcasts in the classroom. I see a lot of benefits because this allows students to watch something or read a few books and decided hey this is what I have learned from what I've read and from what I have watched from other videos. This also helps students pick out the important details and gives different reasons to discuss what they have learned from many resources. Creating podcasts allows students to communicate and create podcasts together or by themselves. This can also help with notes such as note-taking. So, if students have a hard time writing down notes, they can record them so they can be read to them. So, this would also help students that have a hard time reading if we can podcast notes then students can also hear them being read to them in or outside of the classroom. 

3.  Some topics that children, at any grade level, could use to create a podcast to share on your classroom channel.

So, you can create a podcast on all most any topic. some topics could be after reading the book .... what were the Three most important details you found to be important and how does it affect you. 

In the book the three little pigs what was the lesson that was taught and what was the lesson learned from this book and why do you feel that this was the lesson and what could have been done differently if the pigs would have known?

Something else that podcast would be good for is research. 

4. how you could set up a podcasting station in your classroom? you could create an area so students can record kind of like a news anchor within the classroom. Students can have this as a center so that they can record the information from what they have read. Then all of the podcasts can be put together and students can review them as a whole class. So, all students have the opportunity to review all the material, which opens up more time to learn other things within the classroom. This would also be one way that all students can get involved with all the resource materials that have been given. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

Joining Forces in Purposeful Work: The Legacy of Student Contribution

                     Joining Forces in Purposeful Work: The Legacy of Student Contribution

 What opportunities can you identify for incorporating multiple student jobs into your classroom activities?

 Some opportunities that I can identify for incorporating multiple student jobs within classroom activities are that by allowing students to take part in being the note taker for the class, parts of assignments that have been broken up so each group has a major part that other students have to rely on or even creating Google Docs so students can work together is highly important.  These opportunities will get the students more involved and determined to finish their work because there is a purpose behind what they are doing its important right? Another thing that I like is that giving these activities to students will allow us as educators to help all students and teach students that it is okay to rely on help, but it is our job to take part in learning and the importance of learning and helping others. 

How could you help your students create an educational legacy that would outlast their own student experiences?

Allow students to help make a classroom blog so all of their hard work will be able to be reviewed by other students down the line as well as themselves. Allow students to make a portfolio for their work to move on with them after high school. Teaching students how to do videos together to create memorable moments. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Video Interview No Child Left Behind Act

                                                     No Child Left Behind Act

 The importance of the students as Global Communicators and collaborators.

It is important that students can be Global communicators because students can be more creative and create more purposeful and meaningful work. Students need to be able to talk with others to create connections while learning to connect with others around the world. Today many people are communicating with emails and online resources such as Skype and other options around the world that are connected through the internet. Students can relate more to what is going on around them if educators can help students transition into global communicators and then students will be able to make more connections and learn new skills. 

When giving students projects where they can be collaborators, students are more willing to contribute to the project. This allows students to rely on each other while mastering the content that they need to learn. These skills allow students to work more efficiently and allow the teacher to help teach all students while all the students are also learning from each other within the classroom. Making connections is the key and allowing students to be Global Communicators and collaborators is effective to help students make a difference in the world while connecting with others worldwide. 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

The student as Global Communicator and Collaborator The student as Global Communicator and Collaborator

                                               Student Global Communicator and Collaborator 

Some opportunities that I can imagine would take place while engaging students in authentic audiences around the world would be that content for different audiences (students) would start to take place. So not only the information that is being taught and researched here would also benefit others around the world and the content that is being taught somewhere else and the research that has been done will benefit students here to learn outside of the classroom without leaving the classroom.  

Pros to enabling students to engage with authentic audiences in other places.  

  1. Provides real-world experience to students' work.  

  1. Students will be more engaging, and interactive, and have more of a social process.  

  1. Students will be able to make connections with others which strengthens their collaborative and communication skills. 


In what ways do you believe that assignments that challenge students to partner with students globally can be more motivating for students than teacher-assigned grades? 

Some ways that I believe that assignments challenge students to partner with students globally are that students become more independent in learning from others. Students will be more out to look up research and to connect with students to gain knowledge of information that they are having trouble finding reliable resources to make a connection to while doing their work within the classroom. Instead of teacher-assigned grades, this will follow students throughout their learning and even into college. Motivating students will become easier because students want to make connections to others, and this is more natural than trying to create one assignment for a grade and then it is either trash or there is no more need for the work. Learning from others globally creates a meaningful connection that will always create meaning and purpose for the work that was assigned. When assignments are created to make meaningful work there is no right or wrong, this is a way to create and expand a student's knowledge and connect with others. 


What barriers do you anticipate educators will face in guiding students in the role of global communicator and collaborator? 

Barriers that educators might face are finding other schools around the world that will be willing and wanting to connect with your class on the same content information. Finding ways that students can connect without giving a bunch of information about themselves I feel would be the biggest concern and challenge.  The role of a global communicator would be that everyone is a good listener, and they accept that others are different and know things that others might not know. Students need to be able to realize that everyone brings something new to the table and that we must be accepting and know that it is okay to be different. So, I can see this could be a challenge for some students. The role of a global collaborator is that students need to learn the skills of being international mindedness which means that students will be able to learn about the world outside of their classroom through others. This is also where students can look at other viewpoints that require effort and being a team. I can see this also being a little difficult for some students as they are just starting and learning from others outside of their normal culture and classroom.  

Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Student as Researcher

 When assigning the role of a researcher to a student within the class I can see some difficulties could be students not wanting to take on that responsibility for all the others within the class. I can see some students wanting to do research on a specific topic but after looking up information I can see students wanting to copy what they have read from the web instead of learning the content. I can also Imagin students having a challenging time finding reliable web sources to read and work from.  

Some benefits that I feel would work for my students would be the inspiration of wanting to do research on a topic to help others in their class. I know most students want to be involved in work that has a meaning and purpose behind it. Many students like to learn new things and are more willingly wanting to participate in the class when they feel the importance of learning the content to help others and to learn something new that they can go back and explain to someone else.  

What if you had to design an assessment item in your content area where your students would have access to the web while they take the test? What would that assessment item look like?

So, I would start out by creating a power point for my students to look back on and review with different resources on this PowerPoint so the students can click on the links, and it pulls up the web pages for students to learn from I would give stories from the web site called epic with each topic and let them choose how they want to learn and how they want to present the information.





Some things that I would want students to include while learning about the climate they had to choose would be.

What kind of animals live in that climate. 


continental climate- Deer, Squirrel

These are all just examples of the different types of animals that live in that climate.

But this would take research not just memorization. 

2. How hot does this climate get in the summer, winter, fall, and spring? Does it ever stay the same though out the year?

3. what kind of water supplies are in this climate?

4. What kind of plants survive in this climate?

5. what does the population look like in this climate that you have chosen?

6. can you live in this climate?

7. What kind of challenges do you think you would face if you lived in this climate?

8. what kind of food grows in this climate?

9. what is one new fact that you have learned from your research?


How would the question have to differ from one based on memorization?  The questions have to be based on research. Such as population, plant life, animals, temperature, and what kind of food grows in this climate. These are all questions that involve research behind the answers. There is not just one answer to really any of these questions and these answers would take time to look up and really think about each answer.

Students can either create a poster about what they had learned while presenting the information.

Students can create a power point about what they had learned and present the information.


Students can create a Shoebox craft of the climate for others to see and present the information that they had learned.

Another way this project can be done is by choosing a climate for each group of students and assigning a student to one of the questions within a group, so each student is responsible for a part of the research for the assignment. So, then this becomes a whole group project where students have to work together and collaborate with each other to get the project completed and create information so the students can learn from the research that had been done by each other.

Examples of websites to visit each one would have at least two resources if not more so students can have many different options to learn about each question.

Animals Found in the Humid Continental | Sciencing

World Climates | CK-12 Foundation (

Desert Children's Book Collection | Discover Epic Children's Books, Audiobooks, Videos & More (

Long E Short story.