Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Introduction from the initial task


                                                         Introduction from the initial task

The meaning of digital learning is that students can take technology and allow their learning to create a purpose and create ownership of their learning.  Today technology has become necessary in the classroom and even at home. Students love to do activities on computers this has even become a way for students to receive their education at home. Technology is becoming a main resource within the classroom. Using technology with students allows students to take their learning into their own hands and become creative which will give students opportunities to teach others later as well as enjoyment of education. Students can all be in the same grade but on diverse levels of learning. This means that students can be in third grade and be working on fifth-grade content or if a student is behind the student, then can work on their grade level with content that pushes the students forward at their level. Technology allows data to be collected for students to help provide feedback to allow us to create content to help the student grow within the course content.   

Technology allows educators the opportunity to assist students rather than allowing the technology to do all the teaching. Technology allows educators to have background data to help make changes with the content that we are teaching but allows students to learn and be creative with today's technology also allows the students to master the content that is given this also helps students to be more independently creative and allows students the opportunity to work on the content with their interest.  

This is important because all students should feel that their education should have meaning and a purpose. So, technology can be used for different purposes that allow students to make meaning behind their learning that will follow even after high school. This will also help students work at their own grade level as they move forward. 

The Student as Scribe


             The Student as Scribe

What do you see as the potential benefits and downsides to incorporating the work of student scribes into your classes? 

Benefits of incorporating student Scribe in the classroom. 

Some benefits would be that students would be able to learn from each other. This allows students to also feel like they are in control of their education. While receiving feedback. Another benefit would be that we can watch our students grow. This gives the purpose behind our lessons to our students. This would also allow more time to explain something if needed and allows students to feel like their work has purpose and meaning. So, they are going to try harder to succeed so it helps everyone in their classroom success as well. Students want their work to have meaning, so they are going to try harder when there is something meaningful to what they are doing.  

On the downside to student scribes, I do not like the fact that the entire world is open to children to communicate back and forth. It is nice that others can enter a blog or a discussion but when creating a safe area for students I feel that it should be other students or educators that can give feedback. By allowing outside resources to enter these posts individuals can find out information on young children (students) and I am not 100% for this idea. This is a slow process when creating but after a while, students benefit from this because they rely on each other.  

What benefits do you see for students who publish to a global audience? 

I see that when students publish to a global audience this allows others to give feedback on what they have learned and the information they are teaching to others. Allowing the global audience to give feedback helps students make changes to their work as well as see that their work and ideas have a purpose.  

Do you think students will work harder on material that they prepare for that audience than they will when doing work for their teachers? 

Yes, of course, Students will work harder for others just because they do not know who is viewing their content. So, students want their work to be accessible and Accruent to everyone no matter where they are reviewing the content from. When doing an assignment teachers look the work over give a grade and the next thing you know it goes to the garbage, so students love to see their work posted and reviewed over time and to retrieve it later in life. So yes, I can see where posting on a blog would create meaning behind the content and they would rather prepare content for the world or their class versus just their teacher.  

How can teachers model sharing knowledge with a global audience? 

Teachers can model sharing knowledge with a global audience by creating a blog for individuals to access within the grade level, schools, or other schools that can create a feedback area for videos, tutorials, notes, and much more. The global audience is welcome to review that can also accept global responses to students' work.  


The Student as Tutorial Designer

                                                    The Student as Tutorial Designer

As an educator, I can see that student tutorials can be used in all subjects. Some things that I believe would be best suited for tutorials would be how-to, step-by-step, or discussions about different issues and information for the chosen topic. I have viewed many tutorials on students in math lessons, science lessons, social studies, and language arts.  Some examples of tutorials that I have also reviewed are on YouTube. After reviewing these tutorials, I can see why students would be more interested in teaching others this way because it makes the students feel that they are more important to their classmates and others in the world who can also review their creative work.  

Math examples- area, perimeter, range, mode, median, and mean. 

Science examples-physical science, earth/ space science, life science, planets, water cycle, plants, animals, motion, and sound. 

Social studies- Culture, People, Places, and Environments, Power, Authority, and Governance, Production, Distribution, and Consumption.

Language Arts examples- How to write an essay, Before, during, and after, how to make a mind map, how to write a paragraph, and a tutorial on a conclusion paragraph. 

Beyond the benefits for students who use the tutorials, can you identify educational benefits for students who do the work of tutorial design? 

Some educational benefits would be that educators can watch their students teach others the information that has been taught to them by using examples from other peers and sources.  Using a tutorial design can give us feedback on the work that we produce. I see that this would be on feedback to creating a tutorial design and it also allows others to review the materials in other areas of the world. Something that is learned also from the tutorial design when creating it yourself you have to make sure the information is correct. Not only do you want to make sure you know the information, but others will also be reviewing and giving feedback on your tutorial. 

How does the work of student tutorial designers fit within Daniel Pink's analysis of PURPOSE as a key motivator of high-quality student work? 

I mean after reviewing Daniel Pinks's analysis I would personally have to agree. I could see that high-quality work is done mostly when there is more of a purpose and a want to do something out of interest and is fun. I can see that rewards can close the thinking mind like I must hurry up and get this done to make more money and this can cause an issue with the product of the work and not learning as much. I like how he gave the example of the candle stick because there were many ways that he had given but only one way worked. Autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Autonomy is where there is an objective, and you are allowed to produce your way to figure out morality rather than an influence. Mastery is how one can master the content and teach it back with our control and knowledge of what we have learned and its purpose. The purpose is what makes the tutorial meaningful the why of its creation. Daniels Pinks analysis makes sense because it is allowing the students to take their learning into their hands for example if I needed to teach about volcanos, I can say you have 20 minutes to gather information about volcanos to help them present this information instead of giving a deadline make ways that the students can present as they go so other students can also benefit from what they had learned from. This would allow the students to look at different options to use to learn such as dictionaries, online resources, books, and magazines about volcanos, and power points or presentations can be made and put into an online file that students can look through to find more information to create their project at the end instead of one grade this assignment can get feedback instead of a personal grade of A, B, C, or D. This should help all students learn the way they learn best with their learning while creating meaningful and purposeful work that can also benefit others that allows feedback from other peers.

Mind Mapping

Summarize the information you learned from the resources provided in this module about:

 A. The process of creating and completing a Mind Map So, after going to this website https://www.mindmeister.com/training/mind-mapping-101/9/how to-link-your-mind-maps this site explains the information on how to create a mind map. This process was easy to be able to read all of it and create and complete a mind map.

 B. Some benefits of using Mind Mapping tools in the classroom and ways that use of this tool supports learning. Some benefits of using mind mapping will allow students to be able to take the information and make connections by putting fewer words on a map with visuals to help students make connections.

 Using the online resource allows the students to interact with other students with the same mind map so many students can work together at the same time though out class. Educators can make mind maps with students on stories to learn the content, vocabulary, looking at topics and much more. Some other examples will include math, social studies, and science. A mind map can be used with all subjects. Mind maps help support the content that needs to be taught and allow students to take a lot of information and make it easier to remember.

 C. Some benefits of using Mind Mapping tools for work allow us to save time and improve the quality of our work. Mind maps allow us to make connections quicker and allow us to learn faster with more effectively. This allows us to take notes on the topic and focus more on what needs to be addressed and what needs to be addressed first.

4. Then, share details of the process that you went through to create your Mind Map. What went well? What did not go as planned?

Step one- I read all the information that needed to be read.

 Step two- I hit create a mind map.

 Step three- I chose my topic which was hard because there is so much that can be talked about and discussed. So, I allowed my children to choose a topic together and they chose Different types of camping.

 Step four- I Put a picture of a tent in the middle and used a few words to describe several types of camping. Step five- Several types of camping were listed, and pictures were added whether it was a RV, tent, or a large tent for many. Step six- detail had to be researched to explain each of them Step seven- details about the details were listed on some but could of keep going. Step eight- I took a screen shot to send to you for my assignment.

Some things that were easy are the fact that I was able to notice what to do on this site easily after reviewing the directions before making a mind map. Now if I had done that, I would have had to take it step by step to do this assignment which was also included if needed with this site but would have taken a lot longer to complete this assignment. Some things that would have been a little easier would have been if the computer had saved everything but when I had clicked on something by accident It dawned on me that I had to redo a lot of the work. The hardest part was the research but because it was a mind map it made it easier to put all the data together to explain each type of camping.

Is mind mapping helpful for students? Why or why not? Yes, mind mapping is helpful for students. Some reason that it is helpful for students is that this allows students to work together on a topic or project.

Another thing that mind mapping does is that it allows students to make connections between words and visuals. Mind mapping helps students put research on a piece of paper without writing word for word and still be able to apply most of the information that is needed to help make the connections. 

 5. When should teachers incorporate mind mapping in the classroom? Sometimes teachers can incorporate mind maps in language arts, stories, topics, and vocabulary. Research anything that is being discussed. Mind maps can be used to take about math concepts, soc studies, steps in a process, science, and much more. This will also help create creativity and help students debate on different topics in the classroom.


 A. Summarizing information

 B. Taking notes. 

C. Combining information from various sources. 

D. Thinking through complex problems 

E. Presenting information clearly 

F. Studying and memorizing information

The Role of Teachers in the Digital Learning Farm

                                         The Role of Teachers in the Digital Learning Farm
                                                               Standing on our shoulders

I do expect some resistance from students when asking them to contribute more, however, I know students love to feel a part of something that does have meaning and purpose. Students also want feedback and to feel like their work is needed and has a purpose. I have seen students enjoy creating items that go along with their subject to help the students make connections between the project and the content that goes along with it. Applying technology such as computers to help with gathering research is beneficial. Some resources that computers have on them that are connected to the web give students resources to help collaborate and look for information to go along with what is being taught. Different databases supplied different tools for students to use such as power points, word pads, google docs, and much more. This is what I think will catch students' attention by allowing students to work together on projects, or even working together on assessments. Students then will be able to make their project which can provide different information to go with their project to help them master the content. This will also be available for others to give feedback on their projects and schoolwork. Students might even want to do their assignments outside of class if they become engaged with the lesson. Students feel more responsible when asked to take notes for the whole class or when they can help with doing the research for the lesson. So, I feel that students will be able to make progress because they know that it will benefit and help other students other than themselves.  


Parents may react in diverse ways some parents would love to see their children come home and explain what they have learned throughout school. Some parents enjoy the fact that their children can also go online at home and do research on their homework or class assignments. Most parents love to see their children engaged in the lesson and make connections in the world between what they are learning in school and their daily lives. I have noticed that parents want open communication between teachers, children, and parents because they want to be a part of their child's growth and be able to connect with their children after school hours. One resource that I can think of is Class Dojo some teachers like it, and others do not. This is an ice breaker for parents and teachers and gives access to students' work by sharing pictures and homework assignments, behavior, this app also praises the student for positive behavior and allows the parents to comment and message the teacher and give points to their children from home. This is a great resource for students and families to make connections between home and school. There should be more benefits from teaching with technology than from it. Some parents don't like the computer resource but that is because most parents are not aware of the advantages that the computer gives as a resource. 


What first steps might you take in building a learning community where your students take on more responsibility for contributing to the learning of the class? 

Some steps that can be taken are to allow students to help with responsibilities such as taking notes for the whole class or looking up information for the class. Allow students to gather information and present the information to the class in the way they want to present it. Allow students to create work to get others' feedback even if it is on a poster and have a poster parade for other students to see their artwork with their research on it. Allow students to teach others with resources within the classroom such as creating PowerPoints, questionaries, and homework assignments for others in the class. Allowing students to make some of their course assignments will allow other students to learn from each other in the classroom. This will also make it to that students put more thought and purpose into their work because they will want to make sure it is accurate for other students to learn from their work.  These are just a few ways that students can take on more responsibility for contributing to the learning of the class. 

Collaboration Review learning tool


1. Picture of the digital education tool

2. cK-12 is a website that seeks to reduce the cost of academic books for the K12 market in the United States and the world. To achieve its objective, this platform has an open-source interface that allows the creation and distribution of educational material through the internet, which can be modified and contain videos, audio, and interactive exercises. It can also be printed and comply with the necessary editorial standards in each region. The books that are created in cK-12 can be adapted to the needs of any teacher or student.

3. An explanation of how the digital learning tool helps students collaborate. This digital learning tool allows teachers to create accounts and allow students to communicate while doing projects for each subject. This resource has different countries' common core content information and allows different subjects to connect with different learning age groups. This provides information to students about different topics so students can use the resources to gather information and collaborate throughout assignments.

4. A description of a collaborative project that could be conducted in the classroom using the digital learning tool. CK-12 facilitates integration with a variety of Single Sign-On and Learning Management Systems also partners with including Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology, Kiddom, Clever, and ClassLink. If my subject would be science, we might would do a project about volcanos, or the water cycle with this being said students can look up different books that talk about the facts on volcanoes, or the water cycle. This resource gives many options for students to collect facts and data. This allows students to work on their level at the same time. you can monitor each student you can go in and post questions and see all the responses and this allows students to work on their level of understanding. So no matter the subject this gives many different opportunities as well as quizzes and assessments that can be reviewed during their daily class work. 

5.  An explanation of how the digital learning tool would help students to better understand the information learned during the collaborative project. This gives students time to work on their reading level while still being able to review to content that goes with the topic that is being learned that day in class. This gives the students information to talk about the same topic within the classroom but at the level that is best for the student to learn. Both teachers and students will be able to talk and work together on the assignments. This site has shown me that there are many free resources that students can use while collaborating with others within the class though-out each subject. CK-12 looks at data that is being given to the students and applies questions and data to go along with what is being taught. Students will be able to use technology which will also enhance their style of learning. This resource also gives adaptive practice, and interactives, as well as thought-out assignments that will help make connections from background knowledge with new content. 

Digital learning and its importance in education.


  1. Your definition of digital learning and its importance in education.
Digital learning is important because students can have an opportunity to work with different resources that give their work meaning and a purpose. 
The reason why digital learning is important in education is that it allows students to collaborate with others and create meaningful work that can be reviewed over and over again though out the years. So not only are students able to create meaningful work but they create a legacy and allow other students to learn from other students their own age. 

The meaning of digital learning is that students can take technology and allow their learning to create a purpose and create ownership of their learning.  Today technology has become necessary in the classroom and even at home. Students love to do activities on computers this has even become a way for students to receive their education at home. Technology is becoming a main resource within the classroom. Using technology with students allows students to take their learning into their own hands and become creative which will give students opportunities to teach others later as well as enjoyment of education. Students can all be in the same grade but on diverse levels of learning. This means that students can be in third grade and be working on fifth-grade content or if a student is behind the student, then can work on their grade level with content that pushes the students forward at their level. Technology allows data to be collected for students to help provide feedback to allow us to create content to help the student grow within the course content.   

Technology allows educators the opportunity to assist students rather than allowing the technology to do all the teaching. Technology allows educators to have background data to help make changes with the content that we are teaching but allows students to learn and be creative with today's technology also allows the students to master the content that is given this also helps students to be more independently creative and allows students the opportunity to work on the content with their interest.  

This is important because all students should feel that their education should have meaning and a purpose. So, technology can be used for different purposes that allow students to make meaning behind their learning that will follow even after high school. This will also help students work at their own grade level as they move forward. 


Digital Project #3: Flipped Project CK-12


Long E Short story.