I do expect some resistance from students when asking them to contribute more, however, I know students love to feel a part of something that does have meaning and purpose. Students also want feedback and to feel like their work is needed and has a purpose. I have seen students enjoy creating items that go along with their subject to help the students make connections between the project and the content that goes along with it. Applying technology such as computers to help with gathering research is beneficial. Some resources that computers have on them that are connected to the web give students resources to help collaborate and look for information to go along with what is being taught. Different databases supplied different tools for students to use such as power points, word pads, google docs, and much more. This is what I think will catch students' attention by allowing students to work together on projects, or even working together on assessments. Students then will be able to make their project which can provide different information to go with their project to help them master the content. This will also be available for others to give feedback on their projects and schoolwork. Students might even want to do their assignments outside of class if they become engaged with the lesson. Students feel more responsible when asked to take notes for the whole class or when they can help with doing the research for the lesson. So, I feel that students will be able to make progress because they know that it will benefit and help other students other than themselves.
Parents may react in diverse ways some parents would love to see their children come home and explain what they have learned throughout school. Some parents enjoy the fact that their children can also go online at home and do research on their homework or class assignments. Most parents love to see their children engaged in the lesson and make connections in the world between what they are learning in school and their daily lives. I have noticed that parents want open communication between teachers, children, and parents because they want to be a part of their child's growth and be able to connect with their children after school hours. One resource that I can think of is Class Dojo some teachers like it, and others do not. This is an ice breaker for parents and teachers and gives access to students' work by sharing pictures and homework assignments, behavior, this app also praises the student for positive behavior and allows the parents to comment and message the teacher and give points to their children from home. This is a great resource for students and families to make connections between home and school. There should be more benefits from teaching with technology than from it. Some parents don't like the computer resource but that is because most parents are not aware of the advantages that the computer gives as a resource.
What first steps might you take in building a learning community where your students take on more responsibility for contributing to the learning of the class?
Some steps that can be taken are to allow students to help with responsibilities such as taking notes for the whole class or looking up information for the class. Allow students to gather information and present the information to the class in the way they want to present it. Allow students to create work to get others' feedback even if it is on a poster and have a poster parade for other students to see their artwork with their research on it. Allow students to teach others with resources within the classroom such as creating PowerPoints, questionaries, and homework assignments for others in the class. Allowing students to make some of their course assignments will allow other students to learn from each other in the classroom. This will also make it to that students put more thought and purpose into their work because they will want to make sure it is accurate for other students to learn from their work. These are just a few ways that students can take on more responsibility for contributing to the learning of the class.
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